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Travel Club

It is a savings system in installments

Besidesoffers the opportunity to win with the last two figures of the first prize of the Lottery (Wednesday's Draw)

The actions are from 00 to 99 (availability will be verified).

It lasts 25 weeks, under the following names:

How does it work?

If you pay for one or several weeks and you get the share number chosen with the Wednesday draw, you win it.
If after 25 weeks you have not been awarded, you do not lose your money, you will have the amount saved, depending on the denomination of the club. Once you are awarded or finish paying for it, you have up to 1 year to exchange the club for one or more of our tourist services, so you can accumulate clubs and pay for your vacation. For example: If the tourist package or service costs $150.00 and you have $112.50 available in clubs, you can pay the difference and complete it for your trip.

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